Year on year, the students of PGPX, the one year MBA program at IIM Ahmedabad host ConneXions - a knowledge summit that epitomizes the vibrancy and buzz of a business school. In upholding a decade long tradition, we, from the batch of PGPX 2016-17, are proud to announce ConneXions 2016 on Oct 14 - 15, 2016.
ConneXions is a meeting of minds, exchange of ideas, exploring possibilities, unearthing solutions. What's truly unique about Connexions is not only the participation of eminent speakers and panelists and distinguished faculty members of the institute but also the choice of the theme in itself. We as future leaders believe that the transformation of our country requires not just novel ideas but also next-level planning and execution strategy for effective roll-out. With that strong belief on the significance of ‘implementing ideas’, we announce this year’s theme: 'Transforming India: Ideas to Implementation'. It would entail discussions in the significant fields of education, health care, energy, finance, information technology and manufacturing.
The event creates an intellectual platform where industry veterans, policymakers, NGO leaders from diverse sectors engage in erudite discussions moderated by distinguished IIMA faculty. Each panel is a carefully chosen composite panel of speakers who would enrich the debate with strikingly different perspectives. IIMA makes for a perfect venue with its bright, ambitious students in the audience who are poised to assimilate the ideas and solutions that emerge and incorporate them as they step into leadership roles. It is no surprise that the event also attracts huge media attention.
Connexions 2016-17 stages the canvas for India's best minds to paint their insights, aspirations and implementable ideas. The beautiful painting that unfolds will capture the spirit of inquiry, leadership, creativity and illuminate powerful implementation solutions to complex problems, the relevance of which is monumental now and for years to come. We believe that there is no better platform than a group of aspiring industry leaders to take the solutions forward.
We take immense pleasure in inviting you to IIMA PGPX ConneXions 2016-17!
Telecom and technology companies are today presented with a unique opportunity to lead the Indian digital revolution. There is a greater scope and willingness to partner with the government and other public sectors in E-governance, smart city initiatives, data infrastructure, digital identity and social analytics. These companies have also armed themselves with an array of innovative and executable technologies such as IoT and SMAC that can usher in an era of social empowerment through affordable content delivery and remote internet penetration. However, do they have enough incentive to pursue this path? Do the policies on decision making, and the financial and execution model give them enough confidence? What is the government doing to encourage these companies?
A vibrant manufacturing industry is a must for India’s long term, sustainable growth. Thriving traditional manufacturing coupled with emerging high tech and defence manufacturing can propel India’s growth to the next level. Can reforms and “Make in India” initiative by Government create a conducive environment to overcome challenges in areas such as infrastructure, land acquisition and labour laws? How can synergies between Indian IT and manufacturing be leveraged to leapfrog into smart manufacturing? How can SMEs which create 40 -50% of the manufacturing jobs be encouraged to become globally competitive?
Even 65 years after Article 45 of the Constitution of India mandating free and compulsory education and 7 years since the Right to Education (RTE) Act coming into effect, and despite the best intentions of all the stakeholders, the possibility of a good education remains a dream for many of the children. The problem statement has not changed - the social barriers still exist, accessibility to quality education is still an enormous challenge and economic constraints remain a huge deterrent. It is time to rethink many of our current, outdated systems and constructs of education. While the RTE has remained a widely debated topic, its intent to provide education to all is unquestionable. How can we create an ecosystem that turns right to education a reality?
World's ageing global population, increased burden of non-communicable diseases and incidence of superbugs coupled with acute shortage of healthcare providers and rising costs mean that the current model of healthcare delivery cannot take us through the next decade. With the brewing technology disruption in the backdrop, can the healthcare delivery model shape up in India over the next ten years? What does it mean for healthcare providers, pharmaceuticals, medical device companies, insurance, government and most importantly, the people of India.
“India realises that economic growth and development have to be guided by the key concerns of sustainability, because none of us have the luxury, any longer, of ignoring the economic as well as the environmental threat that a fast-deteriorating ecosystem poses to our fragile planet.” – This subtext from India’s voluntary pledge at COP21 Paris climate accord in Dec 2015 calls for a transition to a cleaner yet sustainable energy basket. The wheels have been set in motion, with major policy level initiatives such as Solar Mission, Hydrocarbon Exploration Licensing Policy. However, the real question is not just about this transformation, but about the pace of implementation and the will to make it happen. Can India ensure that its approach to energy sustainability is comprehensive, balanced, and pragmatic?
India is one of the most vibrant global economies, and per a joint report by KPMG and CII, it is projected to become the fifth largest banking sector globally by 2020. The Government, along with banks and other regulators, has been taking long strides on fiscal consolidation/fiscal reforms, credit penetration, transparent markets and rationalization of tax structures. These measures open up a whole gamut of opportunities for banks, capital markets, asset managers and insurance bodies. What steps should these institutions take to overcome the existing challenge of integration and build impactful financial solutions? To push investments, what other actions should primary markets and participants take to make capital availability easier for new and existing companies and also instil confidence among investors?